Monday, June 23, 2008

Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits

yup those are the words we were never ever supposed to say and yes george carlin said them all in the same paragraph and he became famous...he was a very funny man and i wish i would have seen him perform sometime before he passed...may he rest in piece....oh wait he might not want to rest in piece...he might want to stir up a whole world of shit in heaven or where ever he may be!...we will miss ya!


Mary said...

mom went to see him live... and I remember him on Saturday night live...

rent one of his DVD's.. you would like him...

scuba steve said...

ive seen his stuff its funny!

Sarah Michele said...

I almost posted the same thing the other day. I totally have seen his stand-up and he is great.