Monday, March 31, 2008

the tale of the little p- and the giants game

ok well here goes this blogging thing wich i swore i would never set my foot in but if it keeps me in touch with my beloved grandparents than i will set foot in to this realm of technology and open my very very vonerable self to the ya grandmoo and grandpoo!
anywho! i am going to the giants game for the first time this year on thurs the 10th i am so very excited i can bearly stand up! baseball keeps me sane as does some other stuff that we dont blog about so i have to get one of the jones's out of the giants! we will suck this year and prob next but we have to go to the games to support the greatest team to ever set foot on a baseball field....i have joined the mclea's softball team and will be the starting center fielder! i will play on tuesdays and am excited to start! it will be good to get some excercize and get fresh much as i would like to believe golf excercize its just not...its fun! exciting! and awsome but not excercize! i love you all and who ever reads this blog 6th is gonna win the lottery but only if you give me 28 percent! love you all and peace out!